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Find the mantissa of the logarithm of the number 0.002359

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To find the mantissa of the logarithm of the number 0.002359, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Express the number in scientific notation
The number 0.002359 can be expressed in scientific notation as:

Step 2: Identify the characteristic
The characteristic of the logarithm of a number in scientific notation a×10b is given by b (the exponent) if a<1. In this case:
- The characteristic is 3 because 103 is the power of ten.

Step 3: Find the mantissa
To find the mantissa, we need to look up the logarithm of the number 2.359 in a logarithm table. We will consider the number 2359 for our calculations.

1. Look up the logarithm of 2359:
- In the logarithm table, find the row for 23 (the first two digits of 2359).
- In the row for 23, find the column for the last digit 9.

2. Locate the value:
- From the logarithm table, we find that the logarithm of 23.9 gives us a mantissa of 3711.
- The main difference for the third digit (which is 5 in 2359) is 0.017 (this is typically found in the logarithm table).

3. Calculate the final mantissa:
- Add the main difference to the value obtained from the logarithm table:

Step 4: Final result
Thus, the mantissa of the logarithm of the number 0.002359 is:
