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Name and explain different types of reserves in details

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As we all know that the aim of making a reserve is retention of profit of the business for a general or a particular purpose. the subsequent square measure the kinds of the reserve as per their purpose of creation.
(i) General Reserve: generally the reserve is formed while not specifying the aim, such reserve is termed General reserve. it's conjointly termed as a free reserve as a result of the management will freely apply it for any purpose. General reserve strengthens the money position of the business.
(ii) Specific Reserve: On the opposite hand, a reserve that is formed for a few specific purpose and may be utilized just for that purpose is termed Specific reserve. samples of specific reserves square measure given below
(a) Dividend leveling reserve
(b) Workmen compensation fund
(c) Investment fluctuation fund
(d) Debenture redemption reserve Besides the on top of one, reserves also are classified as revenue and capital reserves in keeping with the character of the profit out of that they're created.
(iii) Revenue Reserve: Revenue reserves square measure created from revenue profits that arise out of the conventional operative activities of the business and square measure otherwise freely accessible for distribution as dividend. samples of revenue reserves square measure
(a) General reserve
(b) Workmen compensation fund
(c) Investment fluctuation fund
(d) Dividend leveling reserve
(e) Debenture redemption reserve
(iv) Capital Reserve: Capital reserves square measure created out of capital profits that don't arise from the conventional operative activities. Such reserves aren't accessible for distribution as dividend.
