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Is 603,864 divisible by 8?

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

The correct Answer is:Yes

To determine if the number 603,864 is divisible by 8, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the Last Three Digits:
- The last three digits of the number 603,864 are 864.

2. Check Divisibility by 8:
- To check if 864 is divisible by 8, we can perform the division:

3. Perform the Division:
- Dividing 864 by 8:
- Since 108 is a whole number (no remainder), this means that 864 is divisible by 8.

4. Conclusion:
- Since the last three digits (864) are divisible by 8, we can conclude that the entire number 603,864 is also divisible by 8.

Final Answer:
Yes, 603,864 is divisible by 8.

