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The prime factorization of a number is 2×5×7. What is the number and what are all of its factors?

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The correct Answer is:(##GREMATMANPRPC15E01017_A01##)

To solve the problem, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the prime factorization
The prime factorization of the number is given as 2×5×7.

Step 2: Calculate the number
To find the number, we need to multiply the prime factors together:
Calculating this step-by-step:
- First, multiply 2 and 5:
- Next, multiply the result by 7:
Thus, the number is 70.

Step 3: Find all factors of the number
To find all factors of 70, we need to identify all integers that divide 70 without leaving a remainder. We can do this by checking integers from 1 to 70:
- 1 (since 70÷1=70)
- 2 (since 70÷2=35)
- 3 (not a factor, 70÷3 is not an integer)
- 4 (not a factor, 70÷4 is not an integer)
- 5 (since 70÷5=14)
- 6 (not a factor, 70÷6 is not an integer)
- 7 (since 70÷7=10)
- 8 (not a factor, 70÷8 is not an integer)
- 9 (not a factor, 70÷9 is not an integer)
- 10 (since 70÷10=7)
- 11 (not a factor, 70÷11 is not an integer)
- 12 (not a factor, 70÷12 is not an integer)
- 13 (not a factor, 70÷13 is not an integer)
- 14 (since 70÷14=5)
- 15 (not a factor, 70÷15 is not an integer)
- 16 (not a factor, 70÷16 is not an integer)
- 17 (not a factor, 70÷17 is not an integer)
- 18 (not a factor, 70÷18 is not an integer)
- 19 (not a factor, 70÷19 is not an integer)
- 20 (not a factor, 70÷20 is not an integer)
- 21 (not a factor, 70÷21 is not an integer)
- 22 (not a factor, 70÷22 is not an integer)
- 23 (not a factor, 70÷23 is not an integer)
- 24 (not a factor, 70÷24 is not an integer)
- 25 (not a factor, 70÷25 is not an integer)
- 26 (not a factor, 70÷26 is not an integer)
- 27 (not a factor, 70÷27 is not an integer)
- 28 (not a factor, 70÷28 is not an integer)
- 29 (not a factor, 70÷29 is not an integer)
- 30 (not a factor, 70÷30 is not an integer)
- 31 (not a factor, 70÷31 is not an integer)
- 32 (not a factor, 70÷32 is not an integer)
- 33 (not a factor, 70÷33 is not an integer)
- 34 (not a factor, 70÷34 is not an integer)
- 35 (since 70÷35=2)
- 36 (not a factor, 70÷36 is not an integer)
- 37 (not a factor, 70÷37 is not an integer)
- 38 (not a factor, 70÷38 is not an integer)
- 39 (not a factor, 70÷39 is not an integer)
- 40 (not a factor, 70÷40 is not an integer)
- 41 (not a factor, 70÷41 is not an integer)
- 42 (not a factor, 70÷42 is not an integer)
- 43 (not a factor, 70÷43 is not an integer)
- 44 (not a factor, 70÷44 is not an integer)
- 45 (not a factor, 70÷45 is not an integer)
- 46 (not a factor, 70÷46 is not an integer)
- 47 (not a factor, 70÷47 is not an integer)
- 48 (not a factor, 70÷48 is not an integer)
- 49 (not a factor, 70÷49 is not an integer)
- 50 (not a factor, 70÷50 is not an integer)
- 51 (not a factor, 70÷51 is not an integer)
- 52 (not a factor, 70÷52 is not an integer)
- 53 (not a factor, 70÷53 is not an integer)
- 54 (not a factor, 70÷54 is not an integer)
- 55 (not a factor, 70÷55 is not an integer)
- 56 (not a factor, 70÷56 is not an integer)
- 57 (not a factor, 70÷57 is not an integer)
- 58 (not a factor, 70÷58 is not an integer)
- 59 (not a factor, 70÷59 is not an integer)
- 60 (not a factor, 70÷60 is not an integer)
- 61 (not a factor, 70÷61 is not an integer)
- 62 (not a factor, 70÷62 is not an integer)
- 63 (not a factor, 70÷63 is not an integer)
- 64 (not a factor, 70÷64 is not an integer)
- 65 (not a factor, 70÷65 is not an integer)
- 66 (not a factor, 70÷66 is not an integer)
- 67 (not a factor, 70÷67 is not an integer)
- 68 (not a factor, 70÷68 is not an integer)
- 69 (not a factor, 70÷69 is not an integer)
- 70 (since 70÷70=1)

The factors of 70 are:

Final Answer
The number is 70 and its factors are 1,2,5,7,10,14,35,70.

