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Derive the relationship between ΔH and ΔU for an ideal gas. Explain each term involved in the equation.

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From the first law of thermodyanmics, q=ΔU+pΔV
If the process carried out at constant volume, ΔV=0
Hence, qv=ΔU
[Here, qv= Heat absorbed at constant volume, ΔU= change in internal energy]
Similarly, qp=ΔH
Here, qp= heat absorbed at constant pressure
ΔH= enthalpy change of the system
Enthalpy change of a system is equal to the heat absorbed or evolved by the system at constant pressure.
As we know that at constant pressure, ΔH=ΔU+pΔV
Where, ΔV is the change in volume.
This equation can be rewritten as ΔH=ΔU+p(VfVi)=ΔU+(pVfpVi)....(i)
where, Vi= initial volume of the system Vf= final volume of the system
But for the ideal gases, pV=nRT
So that pV1=n1RT
and pV2=n2RT
where, n1= number of moles of the gaseous reactants
n2= number of moles of the gaseous products.
Substituting these value in Eq. (i) we get
or ΔH=ΔU+ΔngRT
where, Δng=n2n1 is the difference between the number of moles of the gaseous products and gaseous reactants.
Putting the value of ΔH and ΔU we get
Note conditions under which qp=qv or ΔH=ΔU
(i) where reactions is carried out in a closed vessel so that volume remains constant i.e., ΔV=0
(ii) when reaction involves only solids or liquids or solutions but no gaseous reactant or product. This is because the volume change of the solids and liquids during a chemcial reaction are negligible.
(iii) When reaction involves gaseous reactant and products but their number of moles are equal (i.e., np=nr) e.g.
Since, qp is different from qv only in those reactions which involves gaseous reactants and products and (np) gaseous (nr) gaseous.
