What is a disease? How many typesof diseases have you studied? Give examples.

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The correct Answer is:A

Diseases & Types of Diseases

It has been found that science and technology has improved to such an extent that we have been able to identify the causes, symptoms and cures for various diseases with a high degree of success. And this is supported by considerably long average lifespan and lower mortality rates. But what exactly is a disease?

What is a Disease?

A disease is a condition that deteriorates the normal functioning of the cells, tissues, and organs. Diseases are often thought of as medical conditions that are characterized by their signs and symptoms. Today, there are various ways to classify diseases

Classification of Diseases




  1. Anatomic Classification

This type refers to the affected organ or tissue

Heart disease

  1. Topographical Classification

Further classified into types such as vascular disease, chest disease, gastrointestinal disease, and abdominal diseases. These are then handled by specializations in medicine that follow these topographical classifications

An ENT specialist (Ear-Nose -Throat)

A Gastroenterology specialist etc.

  1. Physiological Classification

This type includes diseases that affect a process or a function (such as metabolism, digestion or respiration)


  1. Pathological Classification

This type considers the nature of the disease. For instance, cancer is associated with uncontrolled cell growth, and there are variations or types in the disease.

Neoplastic diseases (uncontrolled cell growth that are characteristic of cancer)

Inflammatory diseases (autoimmunity)

  1. Epidemiological Classification

This classification refers to the rate of occurrence, distribution and the control of the disease in a population.

Epidemic diseases such as plague and Influenza pandemic of 1918–1919

  1. Statistical Classification

It refers to the classification of diseases based on analysis of the numbers of new cases in a time frame, and the number of cases of a disease that is prevalent at a specific time frame.

  1. Etiological Classification

It classifies the diseases based on the cause, or the origin.

Bacterial diseases, viral diseases, fungal diseases etc.

  1. Juristic Classification

This type of classification is prominently used for the purposes of law. It arises when cause of death is not apparent or unexplained.

Cause of death from an illness is occupational or hereditary, etc

Based on these above classifications, a disease may fall into any number of these classifications.

Types of Diseases

Acquired Diseases

These are diseases which are obtained after birth. They are additionally gathered into two sorts, in particular:

           Communicable diseases

•           Non-communicable diseases

Communicable Diseases

Diseases that spread starting with one individual then onto the next are called communicable diseases. They are typically brought about by microorganisms called pathogens (growths, rickettsia, microscopic organisms, infections, protozoans, worms). At the point when a contaminated individual releases organic liquids, pathogens may leave the host and tainted another individual (wheezing, hacking and so on).

For instance: Cholera, chicken pox, intestinal sickness and so on.

Non-communicable Diseases

These diseases are brought about by pathogens, however different factors, for example, age, dietary lack, sex of an individual, and way of life additionally impact the ailment. Models incorporate Hypertension, diabetes and cancer. They don't spread to other people and they limit inside an individual who has contracted them.

Cancer is caused when uncontrolled development happens in specific tissues of the body. It tends to be grouped relying on the sort of cell that has been at first influenced. Tumors comprise of living cell and consequently, so as to endure, it makes another vein that empowers the dangerous cells to get basic oxygen and supplements. This procedure of shaping another vein is called angiogenesis. It can likewise empower these carcinogenic cells to spread all through the body utilizing the circulatory framework. This procedure is named as an invasion.

A portion of the regular sorts of malignant growth incorporate bosom disease, colon malignant growth, cervical malignant growth, ovarian malignancy, kidney malignancy, liver malignant growth and so on.

Degenerative Diseases

They are for the most part brought about by the breaking down of essential organs in the body because of the disintegration of cells after some time.

At the point when degeneration happens to the cells of the focal sensory system, for example, neurons, the condition is named as a neurodegenerative issue. Alzheimer's is a conspicuous case of this issue. Degenerative ailments are generally brought about by maturing and body wear. Others are brought about by way of life decisions and some are innate.


An allergic reaction occurs when the body gets excessively touchy to certain outside substances called allergens. This normally happens when the resistant framework responds unusually to any apparently innocuous substances. Regular allergens incorporate residue, dust, creature dander, vermin, plumes, latex and furthermore certain nourishment items like nuts and gluten. Peanuts and different nuts have the capacity to cause extreme hypersensitive responses that may instigate hazardous conditions, for example, trouble in breathing, tissues growing up and obstructing the aviation routes and hypersensitivity stun.

Other normal and less life-threatening symptoms include allergic reactions, sniffling, running nose, irritated and red eyes, skin rashes. Perhaps the best case of this unfavorably susceptible response is Asthma. Now and then, honey bee stings, subterranean insect nibbles likewise trigger hypersensitivities. Utilization of shellfish and certain prescription can instigate hypersensitive responses.

Asthma is a constant illness, essentially influences the bronchi and bronchioles of the lungs. One of the variables liable for this is airborne allergens, for example, dusts or residue. Manifestations remember trouble for breathing, wheezing, and hack.

Deficiency Diseases

They occur because of the lack of hormones, minerals, supplements, and nutrients. For instance diabetes happens because of powerlessness to create or use insulin, goiter is fundamentally brought about by the iodine inadequacy, kwashiorkor is brought about by absence of proteins in the eating routine. Nutrient B1 insufficiency causes beriberi.


It is an irregular expansion of the thyroid organ by hindering the throat or different organs of the chest and neck. This causes trouble in breathing and eating.

Blood Diseases

Blood contains plasma, white platelets, platelets and red platelets. At the point when any of these segments are influenced, it can prompt blood issue. For example, the red platelets are pulverized when an individual agreements the sickle cell infection. The red platelets are twisted into the state of a sickle (thus, the name) and it loses its capacity to convey oxygen. Subsequently, this illness is described by side effects like interminable iron deficiency, for example, brevity of breath and tiredness.

Other diseases like eosinophilic disorders, leukemia, myeloma (malignant growth of plasma cells in bone marrow), Sickle Cell Anemia, Aplastic Anemia, Hemochromatosis and Von Miller and Disease (blood-thickening issue) fall under this grouping.

General Symptoms: Pale skin, expanding of lymph hubs, fever, dying, wounding, skin rashes, and so on.

List of some important diseases and their causative agents

List of Diseases


Causative Agent


Pasteurella pestis


Vibrio comma (Vibrio cholera)


Clostridium tetani


Bacillus anthracis

Whooping cough

Bordetella pertussis

Human papillomavirus infection

Human papillomavirus

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)


Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis D, Hepatitis E viruses


Varicella zoster virus (VZV)


Naegleria fowleri (amoeba)

Types of disease in hindi

  • मोच (Moch)
  • निम्न रक्तचाप या लो ब्लडप्रेशर (Nimn Rakt Chaap Or Low Blood Pressure)
  • सफेद बाल- ग्रे हेयर (Safed Baal Or Grey Hair)
  • हड्डी फ्रैक्चर या हड्डी का खिसकना (Haddi Fracture Ya Haddi Ka Khisakna)
  • चिकन पॉक्स- चेचक (Chickenpox Or Chechak)
  • हैजा (Haija)
  • जर्मन मीजल्स या रूबेला (German Measles Or Rubella)
  • इन्फ्लूएंजा (Influenza)
  • मेनिनजाइटिस (Meningitis)
  • हार्ट ब्लॉकेज (Heart Blockage)
  • कान में संक्रमण (Kaan Mein Sankraman)
  • डायबिटिक रेटिनोपैथी (Diabetic Retinopathy)
  • ग्लूकोमा (Glaucoma)
  • बवासीर (Bavaseer)
  • आंखों का इंफेक्शन (Aankhon Ka Infection)
  • पीलिया (Peelia)
  • दूरदृष्टि दोष (Doordrishti Dosh)
  • मुंह के छाले (Muh Ke Chale)
  • अल्सर (Ulcer)
  • डायरिया (Diarrhea)
  • सुस्ती (Susti)
  • मस्तिष्क का दौरा (Mastishk Ka Daura)
  • मायोपिया (Myopia)
  • खर्राटे लेना (Kharate Lena)
  • सनबर्न (Sunburn)
  • गलसुआ (Galsua)
  • काली खांसी (Kali Khasi)
  • प्रोस्टेट डिस्ऑर्डर (Prostate Disorder)
  • एड्स (Aids)
  • जीका वायरस (Zika Virus)
