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What are the total fixed cost, total variable cost and total cost of a firm ? How are they related ?

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Total fixed cost (TFC) refers to the cost which does not vary directly with the level of output. Total variable cost (TVC) refers to the cost which varies directly with the level of output. Total cost is the sum total of TFC and TVC at various levels of output.
Relationship between TC,TFC and TVC are: 1. TFC curve is a horizontal straight line parallel to X-axis as it remains constant at all levels of output.
2.TC and TVC curves are inversely S-shaped because they rise initially at a decreasing rate, then at a constant rate and finally, at an increasing rate . The reason behind their shape is the law of variable proportions.
3.At zero output,TC is equal to TFC because there is no variable cost at zero level of output. So,TC and TFC curves start from the same point,which is above origin.
4. The vertical distance between TFC curve and TC curve is equal to TVC. As TVC rises with increase in output, the distance between TFC and TC curves also goes on increasing.
5. TC and TVC curves are parallel to each other and the vertical distance between them remains the same at all levels of output because the gap between them represent TFC, which remains constant at all levels of output.
