Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Bring out the various of difference between monopoly and monopolistic competition.

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~Monopoly: There is a single seller. So, a monopolist has full control over the market. Monopolistic Competition:There are large no. of sellers. So, a firm does not have much impact on activities of other firms. ~Monopoly: There are no close substitutes of the product. Monopolistic Competition: Product are differentiated on the basis of brand, size, colour, shape,etc. ~Monopoly: There is restriction on entry and exit. So, a firm can earn abnormal profits in the long run. Monopolistic Competition: There is a freedom of entry and exit. However, only a competitive firm can enter or leave the industry. ~Monopoly: Monopolist is a price-maker as firm and industry are one and the same thing. Monopolistic Competition: Firm has partial control over price due to product differentiation. ~Monopoly: The downward sloping demand curve is less elastic due to absence of close substitutes. Monopolistic Competition: The downward sloping demand curve is more elastic due to presence of close substitutes. ~Monopoly: Low selling costs are incurred. Monopolistic Competition: Heavy selling costs are incurred on sales promotion.
