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Which of the following are matter? Chair, air,love, smell, hate, atmonds, thought, cold, lemon water, smell of perfume

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To determine which of the following are matter, we need to understand the definition of matter. Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. Let's analyze each option based on this definition:

1. Chair: A chair is a physical object that occupies space and has mass. Therefore, it is matter.

2. Air: Air is a mixture of gases that fills up space and has mass. You can feel air when it moves, and it can be contained in a balloon. Thus, air is matter.

3. Love: Love is an emotion and does not occupy space or have mass. Therefore, it is not matter.

4. Smell: Smell is a sensation that arises from the presence of certain molecules in the air, but it itself does not occupy space or have mass. Hence, smell is not matter.

5. Hate: Like love, hate is also an emotion and does not occupy space or have mass. Therefore, it is not matter.

6. Almonds: Almonds are physical objects that occupy space and have mass. You can touch them and they take up space. Thus, almonds are matter.

7. Thought: Thoughts are intangible and do not occupy space or have mass. Therefore, thoughts are not matter.

8. Cold: Cold is a sensation related to temperature and does not occupy space or have mass. Hence, cold is not matter.

9. Lemon Water: Lemon water is a liquid that occupies space and has mass. It can be contained in a glass and can be felt physically. Therefore, lemon water is matter.

10. Smell of Perfume: The smell of perfume is a sensation that arises from the perfume molecules in the air, but it does not occupy space or have mass itself. Hence, the smell of perfume is not matter.

Conclusion: The items that are matter from the list are:
- Chair
- Air
- Almonds
- Lemon Water

Summary of Matter:
- Matter: Chair, Air, Almonds, Lemon Water
- Not Matter: Love, Smell, Hate, Thought, Cold, Smell of Perfume
