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Find the total number of solutions of sinπx=|ln|x

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To find the total number of solutions for the equation sin(πx)=|ln|x||, we can approach the problem graphically. Here’s a step-by-step solution:

Step 1: Understand the Functions
We have two functions to analyze:
1. y1=sin(πx)
2. y2=|ln|x||

Step 2: Analyze y1=sin(πx)
The function sin(πx) oscillates between -1 and 1 with a period of 2. It crosses the x-axis at integer values of x (i.e., x=0,1,2,) and reaches its maximum value of 1 at odd integer values (i.e., x=0.5,1.5,2.5,).

Step 3: Analyze y2=|ln|x||
The function |ln|x||:
- Is defined for x>0 and x<0.
- For x>0, |lnx| is 0 at x=1 and increases without bound as x approaches 0 from the right.
- For x<0, |ln(x)| behaves similarly, being 0 at x=1 and increasing without bound as x approaches 0 from the left.

Step 4: Sketch the Graphs
1. Graph of y1=sin(πx):
- Oscillates between -1 and 1.
- Crosses the x-axis at integer values.
- Peaks at (0.5,1), (1.5,1), etc.

2. Graph of y2=|ln|x||:
- Approaches infinity as x approaches 0 from either side.
- Crosses the y-axis at (1,0) and (1,0).
- Increases without bound as x approaches 0.

Step 5: Find Intersections
To find the total number of solutions, we need to determine how many times the two graphs intersect.

1. For x>0:
- The graph of |lnx| starts from (1,0) and increases.
- The graph of sin(πx) oscillates between 0 and 1.
- The two functions will intersect at various points as |lnx| increases.

2. For x<0:
- The graph of |ln(x)| behaves similarly to |lnx| for positive x.
- The same oscillation of sin(πx) will cause intersections.

Step 6: Count the Solutions
- Since sin(πx) oscillates, it will intersect |ln|x|| infinitely many times as x moves away from 0 in both directions.
- Each oscillation of sin(πx) will yield two intersections (one for positive and one for negative x) for each period.

The total number of solutions to the equation sin(πx)=|ln|x|| is infinite.
