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Define species.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Taxonomic Rank:
- A species is a fundamental unit in biological classification, known as taxonomy. It is the taxonomic rank that groups organisms based on shared characteristics.

2. Binomial Nomenclature:
- In biological naming, species is part of the binomial nomenclature system, which uses two names to identify an organism. The first name represents the genus, and the second name represents the species.

3. Examples of Binomial Nomenclature:
- For example, in humans, the scientific name is *Homo sapiens*. Here, *Homo* is the genus, and *sapiens* is the species.
- Another example is the mango, scientifically named *Mangifera indica*, where *Mangifera* is the genus and *indica* is the species.

4. Interbreeding Definition:
- A more biological definition of a species is a group of organisms that can interbreed in nature and produce fertile offspring. This means that the offspring can also reproduce.

5. Fertile Offspring:
- Fertile offspring are those that can grow up to reproduce and continue the species. This characteristic is crucial for defining a species, as it ensures the continuation of genetic material.

Final Definition:
A species is defined as a group of organisms that share common characteristics and can interbreed to produce fertile offspring. In taxonomy, it is represented in the binomial nomenclature system, where the species name follows the genus name.

