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Evaluate :

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The correct Answer is:532

To evaluate the integral 20x2dx, where x2 is the greatest integer function, we will first determine the intervals where x2 takes constant values as x varies from 0 to 2.

Step 1: Determine the intervals for x2

1. For x in the interval (0, 1):
- x2 varies from 02=0 to 12=1.
- Thus, x2=0 in this interval.

2. For x in the interval (1, 2):
- x2 varies from 12=1 to (2)2=2.
- Thus, x2=1 in this interval.

3. For x in the interval (2, 3):
- x2 varies from (2)2=2 to (3)2=3.
- Thus, x2=2 in this interval.

4. For x in the interval (3, 2):
- x2 varies from (3)2=3 to 22=4.
- Thus, x2=3 in this interval.

Step 2: Set up the integral with the determined intervals

Now we can express the integral as a sum of integrals over these intervals:


Step 3: Evaluate each integral

1. First integral:

2. Second integral:

3. Third integral:

4. Fourth integral:

Step 4: Combine the results

Now we can combine all the results:


Simplifying this expression:


Final Answer

Thus, the value of the integral is:

