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What is Loss Percentage

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Loss Percentage

In the following article of profit and loss, the main focus will be on the ‘loss percent’. Here, we will address the meaning of various terms, its formula and various problems based on the concept to have a better image of the topic. At the end of the article, a short theory on the marked price and discount are given for extra knowledge.

What do you Mean by Profit and Loss?

Profit and loss is a concept which concentrates on the study of everyday profit and loss that occurs in the transactions deals made by the finance or business enterprise. The calculation of it assists the organisation or small enterprises in identifying the total revue earned by them in an accounting period.

Following are the important notations used in the account books of the enterprises:

  1. Selling price (S.P)
  2. Cost price(C.P)
  3. Marked price (M.P)

Now let us study the above notations in detail with its formula:

Cost price is the term used when the retailer pays the price for the article bought by him and selling price can be stated as the price which is paid by the consumer or customer for the article bought by him. In other words, the price at which the retailer or wholesaler sells the product is the selling price.

Thus, C.P of an item is the expense incurred during the purchase or production and S.P of an item is the realization of revenue when the product is sold by the shopkeepers.

The difference of between the cost price and selling price is profit or loss. If selling price exceed the cost price or the difference is positive in nature, we state the term as profit or gain. Similarly, when the selling price turns out to be less than the cost price or the difference is negative in nature, we call the term as loss.

Formulas of Profit and Loss


Profit = Selling price – Cost price

Loss= Cost price – Selling price

Now, the term profit/loss percentage is defined by the profit/loss as a percentage of the cost price (C.P).

Profit % = profit/C.P * 100%

Loss% = loss/C.P * 100%

Let us apply the formulas in the below question to have a clear understanding:

1) A bottle is bought for Rs. 40 and is sold at the price of Rs. 45. What is the profit percent?

First, let us find the profit earned in the bottle

Since Profit = S.P – C.P

Here, profit= Rs. 45- Rs. 40 = Rs. 5

Now, Profit % = profit/C.P * 100% = 5/40 * 100% = 12.5%

2) A bottle which is bought for Rs. 40 is sold by the shopkeeper for Rs. 35. Find his loss percent.

Here again, we will first find the loss of the shopkeeper to calculate the loss percentage.

We know, loss = C.P- S.P

Thus, loss = Rs. 40 - Rs. 35 = Rs. 5

Now, Loss% = loss/C.P * 100% = 5/40 * 100% = 12.5%

Since we have now learnt the formula of the profit and loss along with its percent, it is easy to identify whether the turnover of the business is positive or negative.

There is another significant term ‘MARGIN’ which can be expressed only in terms of percentages. The profit as a percentage of selling price is known as margin.

When the company prepares their profit and loss accounts, the profit is generally expressed as a percentage of sales. However we refer the term as either net profit margin or operating profit margin. To be precise and clear, profit percent is the percentage of CP and margin is always calculated as a percentage of SP.

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Problems on Profit and Loss

Example 1

Two articles were bought at the rate Rs. 2800 each. One of the articles got sold at a loss of 2% and the average selling price of both the articles summed up to Rs. 2944. Find at what profit percent or loss percent rate will the other article get sold?


For the first article;

Cost price = Rs. 2800 and loss = 2%

Since, S.P/100-L% = C.P/100 (in case of loss)

Here, S.P/100-2 = 2800/100

Thus, S.P = 28* 98 = Rs. 2744

Given, the average selling price of both the articles = Rs. 2944

Therefore, total selling price of both the articles = 2 * 2944 = Rs. 5888

 For the second article;

Selling price = Rs. 5888- 2744 = Rs. 3144

Profit= S.P- C.P = 3144- 2800 = Rs. 344

Profit % = 344/2800 * 100% = 12.2 %

Example 2

Aman purchases chocolates at Rs. 10 per dozen and sells them at Rs. 12 for every 10 chocolates. Find the gain or loss percentage.


Method 1: cost price = 10/12 = Rs. 0.83

Selling price = 12/10 = Rs. 1.2

Profit = S.P - C.P = 1.2 – 0.83 = 0.37

Profit % = 0.37/0.83 * 100 = 44%

Example 3

A dealer buys two old vans at a total cost of Rs. 20000. By selling one at a gain of 20% and the other at a loss of 10%, he earns profit of Rs. 100 on the whole transaction. Calculate the cost price of each scooter.


Let us consider the cost price of the two scooters as Rs. x and Rs. (20000-x)

For the first scooter:

C.P = Rs. x and profit earned = 20%

Since, S.P/100+p% = C.P/100

Here, S.P/100+20 = x/100 = 120/100 * Rs. x = Rs. 6/5 * x

For the second scooter:

C.P = (20000-x) and loss incurred = 10%

S.P/100 – L% = C.P/100

S.P/100 – 10% = 20000 – x/100

S.P = = 90/100 * Rs. (20000-x)


Total S.P= total C.P + profit

Rs. 6/5 * x + 90/100 * Rs. (20000-x) = 20000 + 100

3x + 180,000 = 201,000

3x = 21000

x = 7000

Thus, C.P of the scooters = Rs. 7000 and Rs. (20000-7000)

= Rs. 7000 and Rs. 13000

What is Marked Price and Discount?

Marked price is the price that is visible on the label of the product. This price is determined by the manufacture after considering two main factors:

  1. Cost price of the product
  2. The desired profit

Sometimes, the sellers offers the product at a reduced price to dispose off the worn out or outdated articles. The reduction in the marked price is termed as discount.

Thus, the discount offered to the customer is always on the marked price and not cost/selling price. One should know that the shopkeeper does not undergo loss while offering the discount to the customers.


Selling price = Marked price – Discount

For instance, the shirt bought by a trader at Rs. 650 is sold at a profit of 40%. The marked price of the shirt in this case will be Rs. 650 + 40% of Rs. 650 = Rs. 910

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