Mona, Nisha and Priyanka are partners in a firm. They contributed Rs 50,000 each ad capital three years ago. At that time Priyanka agreed to look after the business as Mona and Nisha were busy. The profits for the past three years were Rs 15,000, Rs 25,000 and Rs 50,000 respectively. while going through the books of account Mona noticed that the profit had been distributed in the ratio of 1:1:2. Where she enquired from Priyanka about this, Priyanka answered that since she looked after the business she should get more profit. Mona disagreed and it was decided to distribute profit equally retrospectively for the last three years.
You are rewuired to make necessary corrections in the books of account of Mona, Nisha and Priyanka by passing an adjustment enrty.

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Dr. Priyanka's Capital A/c by Rs 15,000,
Cr. Mona's Capital A/c by Rs7,500 and Nisha's Capital A/c by Rs 7,500.

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