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Separate the intervals of monotonocity for the function f(x)=2x39x212x+1

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To determine the intervals of monotonicity for the function f(x)=2x39x212x+1, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the derivative of the function
The first step is to compute the derivative f(x).

Using the power rule, we get:


Step 2: Set the derivative equal to zero
To find the critical points, we set the derivative equal to zero:


Dividing the entire equation by -6 gives:


Step 3: Factor the quadratic equation
Next, we factor the quadratic equation:


Step 4: Find the critical points
Setting each factor equal to zero gives us the critical points:


Step 5: Determine the intervals
The critical points divide the number line into intervals. We will test the sign of f(x) in each interval:

1. (,2)
2. (2,1)
3. (1,)

Step 6: Test the intervals
- For x<2 (e.g., x=3):

- For 2<x<1 (e.g., x=1.5):

- For x>1 (e.g., x=0):

Step 7: Conclusion
From our tests, we find:
- f(x)<0 on (,2) and (1,) (decreasing)
- f(x)>0 on (2,1) (increasing)

Thus, the intervals of monotonicity are:
- Decreasing: (,2) and (1,)
- Increasing: (2,1)
