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The following frequency distribution gives the monthly consumption of electricity of 68 consumers of a locality. Find the median, mean and mode of the data and compare them.
The following frequency distribution gives the  monthly consumption of electricity of 68 consumers of a locality. Find the  median, mean and mode of the data and compare them.

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We know that the Mean, (x) = a + (Σfᵢuᵢ/Σfᵢ) × h
Mode = l + [(f₁ - f₀) / (2f₁ - f₀ - f₂)] × h
and Median = l + [(n/2 - cf)/f] × h

So,let h=20 and a=135
From the table, Σfᵢ =68 and Σfᵢuᵢ = 7
Mean (x) = a + (Σfᵢuᵢ/Σfᵢ) × h
= 135+(768)×20
= 135+14068
= 135+2.05
= 137.05

Now, From the table, it can be seen that the maximum class frequency is 20 which belongs to class interval 125145.
Modal class = 125145 The Lower limit of the modal class, l = 125
The frequency of modal class, f₁ = 20
The frequency of class preceding modal class, f₀ = 13
The frequency of the class succeeding the modal class, f₂ = 14
so, Mode = l + [(f₁ - f₀)/(2f₁ - f₀ - f₂)] × h
= 125+[20132×201314]×20
= 125+[74027]×20
= 125+(713)×20
= 125+14013
= 125+10.76
= 135.76

From the table, we get n = 68⇒ n/2 = 34
So, Cumulative frequency(cf) just greater than 34 is 42, which belongs to class-interval 125145.
So, median class = 125145
The Lower limit of median class, l = 125
The frequency of median class, f = 20
The Cumulative frequency of class preceding median class, cf = 22
Median = l + [(n/2 - cf)/f] × h = 125+[342220]×20
= 137
So,mean=137.05 mode=135.76 and median=137.
So, mean > median > mode
