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Give a chemical test to distinguish between ethyne and ethene.

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To distinguish between ethyne (C2H2) and ethene (C2H4), we can use a chemical test involving ammoniacal silver nitrate solution. Here’s a step-by-step solution:

Step 1: Prepare the Test Solutions
- Take two test tubes. In one test tube, add a small amount of ethyne (C2H2). In the other test tube, add a small amount of ethene (C2H4).

Step 2: Add Ammoniacal Silver Nitrate
- To both test tubes, add a few drops of ammoniacal silver nitrate solution (AgNO3 in ammonia solution).

Step 3: Observe the Reaction
- For Ethyne (C2H2): Ethyne will react with ammoniacal silver nitrate to form a yellow-white precipitate of silver acetylide (Ag2C2). The reaction can be represented as:
- For Ethene (C2H4): Ethene will not react with ammoniacal silver nitrate, and no precipitate will form.

Step 4: Conclusion
- If a yellow-white precipitate forms, the gas is ethyne (C2H2).
- If no precipitate forms, the gas is ethene (C2H4).

The presence of a yellow-white precipitate indicates the presence of ethyne, while the absence of a precipitate indicates ethene.

