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Define the following terms in relation to proteins :

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Denaturation: Denaturation is a process that involves the alteration of the natural structure of a protein. This alteration primarily affects the secondary and tertiary structures of the protein, which are crucial for its functionality.

2. Loss of Structure: In denaturation, the protein loses its three-dimensional (3D) structure that is essential for its biological activity. The native state of the protein, which is its functional form, is disrupted.

3. Causes of Denaturation: Denaturation can occur due to various external factors, including:
- Strong Acids and Bases: The introduction of strong acids or bases can disrupt the ionic and hydrogen bonds that maintain the protein's structure.
- Inorganic Salts: Certain inorganic salts can interfere with the interactions between amino acids, leading to structural changes.
- Organic Solvents: Organic solvents can alter the hydrophobic interactions within the protein, causing denaturation.
- Heat: Exposure to high temperatures can lead to the unfolding of the protein structure.

4. Consequences of Denaturation: When a protein denatures, its biological activity is often compromised. This can lead to:
- Disruption of Cellular Functions: The denatured protein may no longer perform its intended role within the cell.
- Cell Death: In severe cases, the denaturation of essential proteins can lead to cell death, as vital processes are interrupted.
