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Show that 4832718 is divisible by 11.

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To determine if the number 4832718 is divisible by 11, we can use the divisibility rule for 11. According to this rule, a number is divisible by 11 if the difference between the sum of the digits in the odd positions and the sum of the digits in the even positions is either 0 or a multiple of 11.

1. Identify the positions of the digits:
- The number is 4832718.
- The positions of the digits from left to right are:
- 1st position: 4 (odd)
- 2nd position: 8 (even)
- 3rd position: 3 (odd)
- 4th position: 2 (even)
- 5th position: 7 (odd)
- 6th position: 1 (even)
- 7th position: 8 (odd)

2. Sum the digits in the odd positions:
- Odd positions: 1st (4), 3rd (3), 5th (7), 7th (8)
- Calculation:

3. Sum the digits in the even positions:
- Even positions: 2nd (8), 4th (2), 6th (1)
- Calculation:

4. Calculate the difference:
- Difference = Sum of odd positions - Sum of even positions
- Calculation:

5. Check the result:
- The difference is 11, which is a multiple of 11.

Since the difference between the sum of the digits in the odd positions and the sum of the digits in the even positions is 11 (a multiple of 11), we conclude that 4832718 is divisible by 11.
