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The number of prime factors in the expression 610.717 1127 is equal to 54 (b) 64 (c) 71 (d) 81

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To find the number of prime factors in the expression 6107171127, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Factor the base numbers
The first step is to break down the base number 6 into its prime factors:
Thus, we can rewrite 610 as:

Step 2: Rewrite the expression
Now we can rewrite the entire expression using the prime factors:

Step 3: Count the prime factors
Next, we will count the total number of prime factors in the expression. The exponents of the prime factors are:
- For 2: 10
- For 3: 10
- For 7: 17
- For 11: 27

Now, we sum these exponents to find the total number of prime factors:

Step 4: Perform the addition
Calculating the sum:

Final Answer
Thus, the total number of prime factors in the expression 6107171127 is 64.

The correct option is (b) 64.

