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How many of the following numbers are divisible by 132? 264, 396, 462, 792, 968, 2178, 5184, 6336 4          (b) 5         (c) 6          (d) 7

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To determine how many of the given numbers are divisible by 132, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Factor 132
First, we need to factor 132 into its prime factors.
- 132 can be factored as 12×11.
- Further factoring 12 gives us 3×4.
- Therefore, the prime factorization of 132 is 3×4×11.

Hint: To factor a number, look for pairs of factors that multiply to give the original number.

Step 2: Check divisibility by 3, 4, and 11
Since 3, 4, and 11 are co-prime, a number must be divisible by all three to be divisible by 132. We will check each number from the list for divisibility by these factors.

Step 3: Check each number

1. For 264:
- Divisibility by 3: Sum of digits 2+6+4=12 (divisible by 3).
- Divisibility by 4: Last two digits 64 (divisible by 4).
- Divisibility by 11: Odd places 2+4=6, even places 6. 66=0 (divisible by 11).
- Conclusion: 264 is divisible by 132.

2. For 396:
- Divisibility by 3: Sum of digits 3+9+6=18 (divisible by 3).
- Divisibility by 4: Last two digits 96 (divisible by 4).
- Divisibility by 11: Odd places 3+6=9, even places 9. 99=0 (divisible by 11).
- Conclusion: 396 is divisible by 132.

3. For 462:
- Divisibility by 3: Sum of digits 4+6+2=12 (divisible by 3).
- Divisibility by 4: Last two digits 62 (not divisible by 4).
- Conclusion: 462 is not divisible by 132.

4. For 792:
- Divisibility by 3: Sum of digits 7+9+2=18 (divisible by 3).
- Divisibility by 4: Last two digits 92 (divisible by 4).
- Divisibility by 11: Odd places 7+2=9, even places 9. 99=0 (divisible by 11).
- Conclusion: 792 is divisible by 132.

5. For 968:
- Divisibility by 3: Sum of digits 9+6+8=23 (not divisible by 3).
- Conclusion: 968 is not divisible by 132.

6. For 2178:
- Divisibility by 3: Sum of digits 2+1+7+8=18 (divisible by 3).
- Divisibility by 4: Last two digits 78 (not divisible by 4).
- Conclusion: 2178 is not divisible by 132.

7. For 5184:
- Divisibility by 3: Sum of digits 5+1+8+4=18 (divisible by 3).
- Divisibility by 4: Last two digits 84 (divisible by 4).
- Divisibility by 11: Odd places 5+8=13, even places 1+4=5. 135=8 (not divisible by 11).
- Conclusion: 5184 is not divisible by 132.

8. For 6336:
- Divisibility by 3: Sum of digits 6+3+3+6=18 (divisible by 3).
- Divisibility by 4: Last two digits 36 (divisible by 4).
- Divisibility by 11: Odd places 6+3=9, even places 3+6=9. 99=0 (divisible by 11).
- Conclusion: 6336 is divisible by 132.

Step 4: Count the numbers divisible by 132
The numbers that are divisible by 132 are:
- 264
- 396
- 792
- 6336

Thus, there are 4 numbers that are divisible by 132.

Final Answer:
The correct option is (a) 4.


Updated on:7/8/2024

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