How and why is bacterium Thermus aquaticus employed in recomb technology ? Explain.

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Becterium thermus aquaticus produces an enzyme called Taq polymerase (DNA polymerase) which is resistant to denaturation by heat tre atment. This enzyme is used to amplify a specific DNA fragment m polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, The enzyme utilises building blocks [dNTPs] to extend the perimer. In the first step, the double stranded DNAmoleculeB are heated to a high temperature.
So, that the two strands separate to a single stranded DNA molecule. This process is called denaturation. Then this Ss DNA molecule is used as a template strand for the synthesis of a new strand by the DNA polymerase enzyme by the process of annealing and extension which results in the duplication of the original DNA molecule.
This process is repeated over several cycles to obtain multiple copies of the DNA fragment.
