Describe the formation of recombinant DNA by the action of EcoRI.
Describe the process of amplification of "gene of interest" usning PCR technique.

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EcoRI is a restriction endonuclease which act as molecular scissor. It cut double stranded DNA at specific palindrome site i.e., 5' - G A A T T C -3'
3' - C T T A A G 5'
PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction. This technique is carried in an instrument called thermo-cycler where denaturation, annealing, elongation of complementary DNA is carried out at different temperatures. deoxy Nucleotides (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP), Primers and Taq polymerase (thermostable) is required for amplification of DNA by PCR reaction. First primers are prepared according to the gene of interest that is to be amplified.
