Do you support 'Dope' test being conducted on sportspersons perticipatting in a prestigious athletic meet? Give three reasons in support of your answer.

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Yes, It helps to diagnose unnatural enhanced performance, which is unethical. The fact that all athletes are not starting with the same set of advantages discredits the notion that a "level playing field" can somehow be restored if drugs are eliminated. According to this view, performance-enhancing drugs are simply making up for an athlete's natural deficiencies or quality of training. Athletes face enormous pressure to excel in competition. They also know that winning can reap them more than a gold medal. Athletes know that training is the best that wining can reap them more than a gold medal. Athletes know that training is the best path to victory, but they also get the message that some drugs and other practices can boost their efforts and give them a shortcut, even as they risk their health and their athletic careers.
Athletes may have several reasons for using performance-enhancing drugs. An athlete may want to :
1. Build mass and strength of muscles and/ or bones.
2. Increase delivery of oxygen to exercising tissues.
3. Mask pain.
4. Stimulate his or her body (increase alertness, reduce fatigue, increase aggressiveness).
5. Relax.
6. Reduce weight.
7. Hide their use of other drugs.
