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How do you count the following obeservation ?

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The reaction in acid medium :
Multiplying equation (1) by (6) and equation (2) by 5 and then adding them together ,we have
The reaction in alkaline or neutral medium :
Multiply equation (3) by (2) and then adding it to equation (4) ,we have,
Even through toluence oxidises to benxoic acid in pressence of acidic or alkaline KMnO4 the manufacture of benzonic add from toluene is usually carried out by using alcoholic KMnO4as an oxidant
This is because of the following advantages:
(i) The use of alcoholic KMnO4 is cost effective because to carry out the reaction in pressence of its does not requie adding of either acid or alkali in the reaction medium .In a neutral medium OH ions are produced during the reaction .
