What effect can fertilizer run off have on aquatic system? Solution in Tamil

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(i) When non-degradable substances enter the food chain, they do not get metabolized and instead get transferred up the tropic levels of the food chain. During this process, they show an increase in concentration which is referred to as biomagnification. This results in increased toxicity and may even be lethal.
(ii) When run-off from land containing nutrients reaches water bodies like lakes, it results in dense growth of plant life. This phenomenon is called Eutrophication.
(iii) Natural aging oflakes also leads to nutrient enrichment of its water. In a lake, the water is cold and clear (oligotrophic stage), supporting little life.
(iv) With time, streams draining into the lake introduce nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates, which encourage the growth of aquatic organisms.
(v) Aquatic plants and animal life grow rapidly, and organic remains begin to be deposited on the lake bottom (mesotrophic stage).
(vi) Pollutants from anthropogenic activities like effluents from the industries and homes can radically accelerate the aging process. This phenomenon is known as Cultural or Accelerated Eutrophication.
(vii) Nutrients stimulate the growth of algae, water hyacinth and can cause clogging of canals, nvers and lakes as well as, displacing native plants. It causes unsightly foam and unpleasant odours, and deprives the water of dissolved oxygen.
