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Describe the general characters of solanaceae. Solution in Tamil

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1. Distribution: Family Solanaceae includes about 88 genera and about 2650 species, of these Solanum is the largest genus of the family with about 1500 species.
2. Hahit . Mostly annual herbs, shrubs, small trees (Solanum violaceum) lianas with prickles (Solanum trilobatum) many with stellate trichomes, rarely vines (Lycium sinensis).
3. Root : Branched tap root system.
4. Stem · Herbaceous or woody, erect or twining, or creeping, sometimes modified into tubers (So fanum tuberosum) often with btcollateral vascular bundles.
5. Leaves : Alternate, simple, rarely pinnae Y compound (Solanum tuberosum and Lycopersicon esculentum) exstipulate, opposite or sub- opposite in upper part, urncostate reticulate venation.
6. Inflorescence : Generally axillary or terminal cymose (Solanum) or solitary flowers (Datura stramonium). Extra axillary scorpioid cyme called rhiphidium (Solanum americanum) solitary and axillary (Datura and Nicotiana) umbellate cyme (Withania somnifera).
7. Flowers Bracteate (Petunia), or ebracteate (Withania) pedicellate, bisexual, heterochlamydeous, actinomorphic or weakly zygomorphic due to oblique position of ovary pentamerous, hypogynous.
8. Calyx: Sepals 5, synsepalous, valvate, persistent rarely the sepals are 4 or 6. Often enlarging to envelop the fruit (Physalis, Withania).
9. Corolla · Petals 5, sympetalous, rotate, tubular (Solanum) or bell- shaped (Atropa) or infundibuliform (Petunia) rarely bilipped and zygomorphic (Schizanthus) usually valvate, sometimes convolute (Datura).
10. Androecium: Stamens 5, epipetalous, filaments usually unequal in length, stamens only 2 in Schizanthus 4 and didynamous in (Salpiglossis) Anthers dithecous, dehisce longitudinally or poricidal.
11. Gynoecium: Bicarpellary, syncarpous obliquely placed, ovary superior, bilocular but looks tetralocular due to the formation of false septa, numerous ovules in each locule on axile placentation.
12. Fruit: A capsule or berry. In Lycopersicon esculentum, Capsicum, the fruit is a berry and in species of Datul.ll and Petunia, the fruit is a capsule.
13. Seed : Endospermous.
