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Write down the functions of lysosomes.Solution in Tamil

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Functions of lysosomes :
1. Intracellular digestion : They digest carbohydrates, proteins and lipids present in cytoplasm.
2. Autophagey : During adverse condition they digest their own cell organelles like mitochondria and endophasmic reticulum.
3. Autolysis : Lysosome causes self destruction of cell on insight of disease they destroy the cells.
4. Ageing: Lysosomes have autolytic enzymes that disrupts intracellular molecules.
5. Phagocytosis : Large cells or contents are engulfed and digested by macrophages, thus forming a phagososme in cytoplasm. These phagosome fuse with lysosome for further digestion.
6. Exocytosis : Lysosomes release their enzymes outerside the cell to digest other cells.
