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Write the physiological effect of Auxin. Solution in Tamil

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Auxin is a phytohormone - Physiological effects :
1. They promote cell elongation in stem and coleoptile.
2. At higher concentrations auxins inhibit the elongation of roots but induce more lateral roots.
3. Promotes growth of root only at extremely low concentrations.
4. Suppression of growth in lateral but by apical bud due to auxin produced by apical bud is termed as apical dominance.
5. Auxin prevents abscission.
6. It is responsible for initiation and promotion of cell division in cambium, which is responsible for the secondary growth and tumor.
7. This property of induction of cell division has been exploited for tissue culture technques and for the formation of callus.
8. Auxin stimulates respiration.
9. Auxin induces vascular differentiation.
Agricultural role :
1. It is used to eradicate weeds. Example : 2, 4 - D and 2, 4, 5- T .
2. Synthetic auxine are used in the formation of seedless fruits (Parthenocarpic fruit ).
3. It is used to break the dormancy in seeds.
4. Induce flowering in pineapple by NAA & 2, 4 - D.
5. Increse the number of female flowers and fruits in cucurbits.
