If →a,→b,and→c are three non-coplanar vectors, then find the value of →a.→b×→c→b.→c×→a+→b.→c×→a→⋅(→a×→b)+→⋅(→b×→a)→a.→b×→c.
To solve the given problem, we will use the properties of the scalar triple product and vector identities. The expression we need to evaluate is:
Step 1: Identify the scalar triple product
The scalar triple product of three vectors →a,→b,→c is defined as:
where V is the volume of the parallelepiped formed by the vectors. Since →a,→b,→c are non-coplanar, V≠0.
Step 2: Rewrite the expression using the scalar triple product
We can rewrite the terms in the expression using the scalar triple product:
1. →a⋅(→b×→c)=V
2. →b⋅(→c×→a)=V
3. →c⋅(→a×→b)=V
Thus, we can rewrite the expression as:
Step 3: Simplify the expression
Now, simplifying the expression:
Step 4: Verify the signs
However, we need to consider the signs based on the cyclic permutations of the vectors. The scalar triple product changes sign when we swap two vectors. Therefore, we have:
So, the final expression becomes:
Final Answer
Thus, the value of the given expression is:
The scalar triple product of three vectors →a,→b,→c is defined as:
We can rewrite the terms in the expression using the scalar triple product:
2. →b⋅(→c×→a)=V
3. →c⋅(→a×→b)=V
Now, simplifying the expression:
However, we need to consider the signs based on the cyclic permutations of the vectors. The scalar triple product changes sign when we swap two vectors. Therefore, we have:
Thus, the value of the given expression is:
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