Will the following be included in domestic factor income of India? Give reasons for your answer.
(i) Profit earned by a foreign ban k from its branches in India.
(ii) Scholarships given by the government of India.
(iii) Profits earned by a resident of India from his company in singapore.
(iv) Salaries received by Indians working in American embassy in India.
The correct Answer is:(i) Profit earned by a foreign bank is included in domestic product of India because the banks branches are located in the Indian domestic territory.
(ii) Scholarships is a trasnfer payment because no service is provided in return. So, it is not included in domestic income.
(iii) Profit earned by an Indian company in Singapore is not included in domestic product of India because the compnay is located outside the economic (domestic ) territory of India.
(iv) Salaries received by the Indians working in American embassy in India is not included because the embassy is treated as a part of American domestic territory and not of India.
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