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How many pairs of contrasting characters were chosen by Mendel for his study with garden pea .









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The correct Answer is:C

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Question: The question asks how many pairs of contrasting characters Mendel chose for his study with garden pea.

2. Identifying Mendel's Study: Gregor Mendel conducted experiments using garden peas (Pisum sativum) to study inheritance patterns.

3. Contrasting Traits: Mendel selected specific traits that showed clear contrasting characteristics. These traits are typically dominant and recessive.

4. Listing the Traits: Mendel identified seven pairs of contrasting traits in his studies:
- Stem Height: Tall (dominant) vs. Dwarf (recessive)
- Flower Color: Purple (dominant) vs. White (recessive)
- Pod Shape: Inflated (dominant) vs. Constricted (recessive)
- Pod Color: Green (dominant) vs. Yellow (recessive)
- Seed Shape: Round (dominant) vs. Wrinkled (recessive)
- Seed Color: Yellow (dominant) vs. Green (recessive)
- Flower Position: Axial (dominant) vs. Terminal (recessive)

5. Conclusion: In total, Mendel chose 7 pairs of contrasting characters for his study with garden peas.

6. Final Answer: The answer to the question is C. 7.

