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In expressing a length 81.472 km as nearly as possible with three significant digits, find the percentage error.

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To solve the problem of finding the percentage error when expressing the length of 81.472 km as nearly as possible with three significant digits, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the original value
The original length is given as:
Original Length=81.472 km

Step 2: Round to three significant digits
To express this value with three significant digits, we look at the first three digits:
- The first three significant digits are 81.4 (the next digit is 7, which rounds the 4 up to 5).
Thus, rounding 81.472 to three significant digits gives us:
Rounded Length=81.5 km

Step 3: Calculate the error
Now, we calculate the error between the original length and the rounded length:
Error=Original LengthRounded Length
Error=81.472 km81.5 km
Error=0.028 km
(Note: The error is negative because the rounded value is greater than the original value.)

Step 4: Calculate the absolute error
The absolute value of the error is:
|Error|=0.028 km

Step 5: Calculate the percentage error
The percentage error is calculated using the formula:
Percentage Error=(|Error|Original Length)×100%
Substituting the values:
Percentage Error=(0.028 km81.472 km)×100%

Step 6: Perform the calculation
Calculating the percentage error:
Percentage Error=(0.02881.472)×100%0.0344%

Final Result
The percentage error when expressing 81.472 km as 81.5 km is approximately:
Percentage Error0.0344%

