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?+30.01% of 651÷25.05% of 59.98=135   a.68 b. 140 c. 122 d. 128.5

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To solve the equation ?+30.01% of 651÷25.05% of 59.98=135, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert percentages to decimals
First, we need to convert the percentages into decimal form for easier calculations:
- 30.01%=0.3001
- 25.05%=0.2505

Step 2: Calculate 30.01% of 651
Now, we calculate 30.01% of 651:
30.01% of 651=0.3001×651
Calculating this gives:

Step 3: Calculate 25.05% of 59.98
Next, we calculate 25.05% of 59.98:
25.05% of 59.98=0.2505×59.98
Calculating this gives:

Step 4: Divide the results from Step 2 and Step 3
Now, we divide the result from Step 2 by the result from Step 3:

Step 5: Substitute back into the equation
Now we substitute this back into the original equation:

Step 6: Solve for ?
To find ?, we subtract 13.002 from 135:

Step 7: Round the result
Rounding 121.998 gives us approximately 122.

Thus, the value of ? is approximately 122. The correct answer is option c. 122.

