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Cotton clothes producing cooling effect during summer is an application of ______.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Question:
The question asks about the phenomenon responsible for the cooling effect produced by cotton clothes during summer.

2. Identifying the Process:
The cooling effect is primarily due to the process of evaporation. When we sweat, our body releases moisture onto the skin.

3. Role of Cotton:
Cotton is a material that has the ability to absorb moisture (sweat). When we wear cotton clothes, they absorb the sweat from our body.

4. Evaporation Process:
Once the sweat is absorbed by the cotton fabric, it comes into contact with the surrounding hot atmosphere. The heat from the environment is transferred to the sweat.

5. Heat Absorption and Cooling:
As the sweat absorbs heat from the surroundings, it begins to evaporate. The process of evaporation requires energy, which is taken from the heat of the body and the surrounding air.

6. Resulting Effect:
As the sweat evaporates, it removes heat from the body, leading to a cooling effect. This is why wearing cotton clothes in summer feels cooler.

7. Conclusion:
Therefore, the cooling effect produced by cotton clothes during summer is an application of evaporation.

Final Answer:
Cotton clothes producing cooling effect during summer is an application of evaporation.

