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(a) Explain the following :
(i) NF3 is an exothermic compound whereas NCl3 is not
(ii) F2 is most reactive of all the four common halogens.
(b) Complete the following chemical equations :
(i) C+H2SO4(conc)
(ii) P4+NaOH+H2O
(iii) Cl2+F2excess

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(a) (i) See Q. 29 (b) (ii), Delhi Board, 2010.
(ii) Because of small size, highest eledtro negativity and low bond dissociation enthalp) of f-f bond, fluorine is most reactive.
(b) (i) C+2H2SO4(conc.)2SO2+CO2+2H2O
(ii) P4+3NaOH+3H2OPH3Phosphine+3NaH2PO2Sodium hypaphosphite
(iii) C2+3F2heat2ClF3 (excess)
