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The compound which has maximum number of chiral centres is









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The correct Answer is:C

To determine which compound has the maximum number of chiral centers, we will analyze the given compounds step by step.

Step 1: Understand Chiral Centers
A chiral center (or chiral carbon) is a carbon atom that has four different groups attached to it. This creates non-superimposable mirror images, which is a characteristic of chiral molecules.

Step 2: Analyze Each Compound
We will go through each compound and count the number of chiral centers.

Compound A
1. Count the carbon atoms: 5 carbons.
2. Identify groups attached to each carbon.
3. Determine which carbons are chiral:
- Carbon 2: Has different groups (H, Cl, CH3, and OH) → Chiral
- Carbon 4: Has different groups (H, OH, CH3, and another group) → Chiral
- Other carbons have identical groups → Not chiral
4. Total chiral centers in A: 2

Compound B
1. Count the carbon atoms: 5 carbons.
2. Identify groups attached to each carbon.
3. Determine which carbons are chiral:
- Carbon 2: Has different groups (H, CH3, and two different groups) → Chiral
- Carbon 3: Has different groups (H, CH3, and two different groups) → Chiral
- Carbon 4: Has identical groups → Not chiral
4. Total chiral centers in B: 3

Compound C
1. Count the carbon atoms: 6 carbons.
2. Identify groups attached to each carbon.
3. Determine which carbons are chiral:
- Carbon 2: Has different groups → Chiral
- Carbon 3: Has different groups → Chiral
- Carbon 4: Has different groups → Chiral
- Carbon 5: Has identical groups → Not chiral
4. Total chiral centers in C: 4

Compound D
1. Count the carbon atoms: 6 carbons.
2. Identify groups attached to each carbon.
3. Determine which carbons are chiral:
- Carbon 2: Has identical groups → Not chiral
- Carbon 3: Has identical groups → Not chiral
- Carbon 4: Has different groups → Chiral
- Carbon 5: Has different groups → Chiral
4. Total chiral centers in D: 2

Step 3: Compare the Number of Chiral Centers
Now we compare the total number of chiral centers in each compound:
- Compound A: 2 chiral centers
- Compound B: 3 chiral centers
- Compound C: 4 chiral centers
- Compound D: 2 chiral centers

The compound with the maximum number of chiral centers is Compound C with 4 chiral centers.

