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What are gonapophyses in cockroach? Give their function.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Gonapophyses:
Gonapophyses are specialized chitinous structures found in cockroaches, located near the gonophore. They are part of the reproductive system in these insects.

2. Structure:
Gonapophyses are made of chitin, a tough, protective protein that forms part of the exoskeleton of cockroaches and other arthropods. This structure is adapted for their reproductive functions.

3. Function in Males:
In male cockroaches, gonapophyses function as external genitalia. They play a role in the transfer of sperm during mating.

4. Function in Females:
In female cockroaches, gonapophyses serve as an ovipositor, which is an organ used for laying eggs. This structure helps in the deposition of eggs into the environment.

5. Accessory Role:
Gonapophyses act as accessory organs in the reproductive process. They assist in the main functions of sperm transfer and egg deposition but are not the primary structures responsible for these processes.

Gonapophyses are chitinous structures in cockroaches that function as external genitalia in males and as an ovipositor in females, aiding in reproduction.

