Home Foods Pvt. Ltd. deals in grocery items of daily domestic usage. Its business is spread throughout Delhi. The company's 20 stores are providing their services to the residents of Delhi. All the business activities of this company are done though internet. Its main activities are obtaining information mangement, product development orders of goods, making payments, receiving payment, inventory reduced costs of business transactions. The customer also can shop sittin at home or office. They can access the internet to buy goods and services. The use of internet has considerably reduced dependance on paper work for the company.
(a) Which system of business is being followed by Home Foods Pvt. Ltd.?
(b) State any three benefits of the system of business identified in (a) by quoting the lines from the above para.
(a) The company is following e-Business since it. Conducts all business activities using the computer networks, i.e., through internet.
(b) Benefits of e-Business
(i) Reduced costs
"The use of internet in the business activities has resulted into reduced costs of business transactions."
e-Business can help reduce advertising cost, exchange of information cost, delivery cost, etc.
(ii) Customer convenience and satisfaction
"The costumer also can shop sitting at home or office. They can access the internet to buy goods and services."
Customers need not stand in a queue to talk to salesman or to read catalogue and price-lists. They can access the internet to buy goods and services. Payments can also be made online. e-Business allows quick response and redressal to customer complaints. This helps to increase customer satisfaction.
(iii) Movement towards a paperless society
"The use of internet has considerably reduced dependance on paper work for the company."
Evan the govenment departments and taxation authorities are increasingly follwoing electronic filing of returns and reports.
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कारण-यह उनके अणुओ में मजबीत आंतरिक हाइड्रोजन बंध का कारण है.
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