Karan nath took over 'D' north Motor Company' from his aliling father three months ago. In the past the company was not performing well. Karan was determined to improve the company's performance. He obseved that the methods of production as well as selection of employees in hte company were not scientific.
He believed that there was only one best method to maximize efficiency. He also felt that once the method is developed, the workers ofthe company should be trained to learn that best method'.
He asked the Production Mangaer the develop the est method and carry out the necesasary training. The Production Manager developed this method using several parameters right from deciding the sequence of operations, place for men, machines and raw materials till the delivery of the product to the customers. This method was implemented throughout the organization. It helped in increasing the output, improving the quality and reducing the cost and wastage.
Identify and explain the principles and the technique of scientific management followed by the Production Manager in the above case.
Step by step video & image solution for Karan nath took over 'D' north Motor Company' from his aliling father three months ago. In the past the company was not performing well. Karan was determined to improve the company's performance. He obseved that the methods of production as well as selection of employees in hte company were not scientific. He believed that there was only one best method to maximize efficiency. He also felt that once the method is developed, the workers ofthe company should be trained to learn that best method'. He asked the Production Mangaer the develop the est method and carry out the necesasary training. The Production Manager developed this method using several parameters right from deciding the sequence of operations, place for men, machines and raw materials till the delivery of the product to the customers. This method was implemented throughout the organization. It helped in increasing the output, improving the quality and reducing the cost and wastage. Identify and explain the principles and the technique of scientific management followed by the Production Manager in the above case. by Business Studies experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 12 exams.
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