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Briefly enumerate the important sources of recruitment.

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To attract employees to business organisations usually two kinds of sources are tapped: (I) Internal sources, and (II) External sources
( I ) Internal Sources: In case of internal sources, vacant posts are filled with employees available within the organisation. Mostly the following are included in it.
(i) Transfer: It means shifting of employees from one job position to other at the same level of authority.
(ii) Promotion: It refers to shifting of employees from one job position to other with higher level of authority.
(iii) Lay-off: It refers to the temporary separation of the employee from the employer on the initiative of the latter.
( I I ) External sources:It means making use of new personnel or outsiders to fill up the vacant job positions in the organisation.Mostly the following are included in it.
(i)Direct recruitment.
(ii)Casual callers.
(iv)Employment exchanges
(v)Placement agencies
(vi)Campus recruitment
(vii)Recommendations from present employees.
(viii)Labour contractors.
(ix)Web publishing.
