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What do you understand by active and passive satellites ?

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Step-by-Step Text Solution

1. Definition of Satellites: Satellites are objects that orbit around a planet or celestial body. They can be natural (like moons) or artificial (man-made).

2. Types of Satellites: Satellites can be categorized into two main types based on their functionality: active satellites and passive satellites.

3. Passive Satellites:
- Definition: Passive satellites do not have their own means to generate or amplify signals. They rely on external sources for information.
- Functionality: These satellites primarily reflect signals received from the Earth or other sources. They do not process or enhance these signals.
- Example: An example of a passive satellite would be those used for remote sensing that simply capture the natural light reflected off the Earth's surface.

4. Active Satellites:
- Definition: Active satellites are equipped with electronic devices that allow them to generate, amplify, and process signals.
- Functionality: These satellites have high-resolution cameras and other instruments (like infrared scanners) that can capture detailed information about the Earth.
- Data Transmission: The data collected by active satellites is transmitted back to Earth in a digital format, which can then be processed into maps and images using computer systems.

5. Comparison:
- Equipment: Active satellites are equipped with electronic devices, while passive satellites are not.
- Data Processing: Active satellites can process and transmit data, whereas passive satellites only reflect signals without processing them.

6. Applications: Both types of satellites are used in remote sensing applications, which involve gathering information about the Earth's surface without direct contact.
