Write a short note on Vermitech and Vermiculture, Vermicomposting, Vermiwash.Solution in Tamil

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(a) Vermiculture: Artificial rearing or cultivation of earthworms involves new technology for the betterment of human beings. This process is known as vermiculture.
(b) Vermicomposting: The process of producing compost using carthworms is called vermicomposting
(c) Vermiwash: Vermiwash is a liquid manure or plant tonic obtained from earthworm. It is used as a foliar spray and helps to induce plant growth. It is a collection of excretory products and mucus secretion of earthworms along with micronutrients from the soil organic molecules.
(d) Wormery or wormbin: Earthworm can be used for recycling of waste food, leaf, litter and biomass to prepare a pud fertilizer in a container known as wormery or wormbin. It makes superior compost than conventional composting methods. Vermiculture, vericomposting, vermiwash and wormery are inter-related and independent process, collectively referred as vermitech
