Write a note on carbon foot print.Solution in Tamil

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Every human activity leaves a mark just like our footprint. This Carbon foot print is the total amount of green house gases produced by human activities such as agriculture, industries, deforestation, waste disposal, buring fossil fuels directly or indirectly. It can be measured for an individual, family, organisation like industries, state level or national level. It is usually estimated and expressed in equivalent tons of CO2 per year. the burning of fossil fuels releases CO2 and other green house gases. In turn these emissions trap solar energy and thus increase the global temperature resulting in ice melting, submerging of low lying areas and inbalance in nature like cyclones, tsunamis and extreme weather conditions. To reduce the carbon foot print we can follow some parctices like (i) Eating indigenous fruits and products (ii) Reduce use of your electronic devices (iii) Reduce travelling (iv) Do not buy fast and preserved, processed, packed foods. (v) Plant a garden (vi) Less consumption of meat and sea food. Poultry requires little space, nutrients and less pollution comparing cattle farming. (vii) reduce use of Laptops (when used for 8 hours, it releases nearly 2 kg of CO2 annually) (viii) Line dry your clothes. (Example : If you buy imported fruit like kiwi, indirectly it increases CFP. How ? The fruit has travelled a long distance in shipping or airliner thus emitting tons of CO2)
