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What do you mean by resultant vector ?

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Step-by-Step Solution

1. Definition of Resultant Vector: A resultant vector is defined as the vector sum of two or more vectors. It represents a single vector that has the same effect as the combined effect of the individual vectors.

2. Example with Forces: Consider a scenario where three forces are acting on a body:
- Force F1 acting in one direction,
- Force F2 acting in another direction,
- Force F3 acting in a third direction.

To find the resultant force vector, we need to sum these three vectors.

3. Purpose of Resultant Vector: The purpose of calculating the resultant vector is to simplify the analysis of the forces acting on the body. Instead of dealing with multiple forces, we can replace them with a single resultant force vector that has the same effect on the body.

4. Example with Displacement: Similarly, if a body moves from point A to point B and then from point B to point C, we can define:
- Vector AB for the displacement from A to B,
- Vector BC for the displacement from B to C.

To find the total displacement of the body, we sum these two vectors. The resultant displacement vector can be represented as AC, which completes the triangle formed by the two vectors.

5. Conclusion: In summary, the resultant vector is a single vector that combines the effects of multiple vectors, whether they are forces, displacements, or any other vector quantities.
