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Define Cistron.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Cistron: A cistron is defined as a structural gene. It is a specific segment of DNA that carries the information necessary to produce a polypeptide.

2. Function of Cistron: The primary function of a cistron is to encode for a polypeptide, which is a chain of amino acids that forms proteins.

3. Difference Between Cistron and Gene: While both cistrons and genes are segments of DNA, the distinction lies in their specific functions. A gene can encode for RNA or proteins, whereas a cistron specifically encodes for a polypeptide (protein).

4. Polycistronic vs. Monocistronic: In prokaryotes, cistrons can be organized in a polycistronic arrangement, meaning multiple structural genes are present together and can be transcribed as a single mRNA molecule. In contrast, eukaryotes typically exhibit a monocistronic arrangement, where each gene is transcribed independently.

5. Conclusion: In summary, a cistron is a crucial component of genetic information, specifically referring to a DNA segment that encodes for a single polypeptide.

