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Number of roots of equation 3 | x | - | 2 - | x = 1 is a. 0 b. 2 c. 4 d. 7

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To find the number of roots of the equation 3|x||2|x||=1, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the equation
We start with the given equation:
Rearranging gives:

Step 2: Analyze the components
Next, we need to analyze the two sides of the equation:
- The left side, 3|x|, is an exponential function that is always positive and increases as |x| increases.
- The right side, 1+|2|x||, is a piecewise linear function that depends on the value of |x|.

Step 3: Consider cases for |x|
We will consider two cases based on the value of |x|:
1. Case 1: |x|<2
- Here, |2|x||=2|x|.
- Thus, the equation becomes:
Rearranging gives:

2. Case 2: |x|2
- Here, |2|x||=|x|2.
- The equation becomes:
Rearranging gives:

Step 4: Analyze the equations
Now we analyze the two cases separately:

Case 1: 3|x|+|x|=3
- For |x|=0:
30+0=1(not a solution)
- For |x|=1:
31+1=4(not a solution)
- For |x|=2:
32+2=11(not a solution)
- The function 3|x|+|x| is increasing, so there are no solutions in this case.

Case 2: 3|x||x|=1
- For |x|=2:
322=7(not a solution)
- For |x|=3:
333=24(not a solution)
- As |x| increases, 3|x| grows much faster than |x|, so we will find intersections.

Step 5: Graphical Analysis
To find the number of intersections, we can graph:
- y=3|x| (exponential growth)
- y=|x|1 (linear growth)

The exponential function will intersect the linear function at two points for positive and negative x.

Thus, the total number of roots of the equation 3|x||2|x||=1 is 2.

Final Answer
The number of roots of the equation is 2.
