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Find the wrong number in the given series.

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The correct Answer is:29

To find the wrong number in the series 84, 83, 79, 70, 52, 29, we will analyze the differences between the consecutive numbers and look for a pattern.

1. Identify the Series: We have the series: 84, 83, 79, 70, 52, 29.

2. Calculate the Differences:
- 84 to 83: 8483=1
- 83 to 79: 8379=4
- 79 to 70: 7970=9
- 70 to 52: 7052=18
- 52 to 29: 5229=23

3. List the Differences: The differences we calculated are:
- 1, 4, 9, 18, 23

4. Look for a Pattern:
- The differences do not seem to follow a clear arithmetic or geometric pattern at first glance. However, if we observe the differences closely:
- The first difference is 1=12
- The second difference is 4=22
- The third difference is 9=32
- The fourth difference is 18 (which does not fit the pattern of squares)
- The fifth difference is 23

5. Identify the Anomaly: The difference of 18 does not fit the pattern of being a perfect square. The expected difference after 9 (which is 32) should be 16 (which is 42).

6. Find the Wrong Number:
- If we replace 70 with 64 (which would be 7916), the series would then be:
- 84, 83, 79, 64, 52, 29
- The differences would then be:
- 1, 4, 15, 12, 23
- This still does not fit a clear pattern, but it indicates that 70 is the wrong number as it disrupts the expected pattern of differences.

7. Conclusion: The wrong number in the series is 70.
