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The number between 4000 and 5000 which is divisible by 12, 18, 21 and 32 is (a) 4023     (b) 4032       (c) 4203     (d) 4302

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To find the number between 4000 and 5000 that is divisible by 12, 18, 21, and 32, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the LCM of the given numbers
To determine the number that is divisible by all four numbers, we first need to find their Least Common Multiple (LCM).

Hint: The LCM can be found by determining the prime factorization of each number.

- Prime Factorization:
- 12 = 2² × 3¹
- 18 = 2¹ × 3²
- 21 = 3¹ × 7¹
- 32 = 2⁵

Step 2: Identify the highest power of each prime factor
Now we take the highest power of each prime factor from the factorizations:

- For 2: The highest power is 2⁵ (from 32).
- For 3: The highest power is 3² (from 18).
- For 7: The highest power is 7¹ (from 21).

Hint: Make sure to include all prime factors with their highest powers.

Step 3: Calculate the LCM
Now we can calculate the LCM using the highest powers:


Calculating this step-by-step:

1. Calculate 25=32
2. Calculate 32=9
3. Calculate 32×9=288
4. Finally, calculate 288×7=2016

Thus, the LCM of 12, 18, 21, and 32 is 2016.

Hint: Confirm your calculations at each step to ensure accuracy.

Step 4: Find multiples of the LCM within the range
Next, we need to find multiples of 2016 that lie between 4000 and 5000.

Hint: To find the multiples, divide the lower and upper bounds by the LCM.

- Calculate 4000÷20161.98 (the next whole number is 2)
- Calculate 5000÷20162.48

The multiples of 2016 in this range are:

- 2016×2=4032

Hint: Ensure that the result is within the specified range.

Step 5: Verify the result
Now we check if 4032 is indeed between 4000 and 5000 and divisible by 12, 18, 21, and 32.

- 4032 is between 4000 and 5000.
- To verify divisibility:
- 4032÷12=336 (divisible)
- 4032÷18=224 (divisible)
- 4032÷21=192 (divisible)
- 4032÷32=126 (divisible)

Since 4032 meets all criteria, it is the correct answer.

Final Answer:
The number between 4000 and 5000 which is divisible by 12, 18, 21, and 32 is 4032 (Option b).
