Express 19992111 in decimal. 0.893 (b) 0.904 (c) 0.946 (d) 0.986
To express 19992111 in decimal form, we will perform long division. Here’s a step-by-step solution:
Step 1: Set up the division
We need to divide 1999 by 2111. Since 1999 is smaller than 2111, we will need to add a decimal point and zeros to 1999 to continue the division.
Step 2: Add decimal and zeros
We write 1999 as 1999.000000 (adding decimal and zeros). Now we are dividing 2111 into 1999.000000.
Step 3: Determine how many times 2111 goes into 19990
2111 goes into 19990 approximately 9 times (since 2111×9=18999).
Step 4: Subtract
Now we subtract:
Step 5: Bring down the next zero
Next, we bring down the next zero making it 9910.
Step 6: Determine how many times 2111 goes into 9910
2111 goes into 9910 approximately 4 times (since 2111×4=8444).
Step 7: Subtract again
Now we subtract:
Step 8: Bring down the next zero
Next, we bring down another zero making it 14660.
Step 9: Determine how many times 2111 goes into 14660
2111 goes into 14660 approximately 6 times (since 2111×6=12666).
Step 10: Subtract again
Now we subtract:
Step 11: Bring down the next zero
Next, we bring down another zero making it 19940.
Step 12: Determine how many times 2111 goes into 19940
2111 goes into 19940 approximately 9 times (since 2111×9=18999).
Step 13: Final subtraction
Now we subtract:
After performing the long division, we find that:
Thus, the answer is option (c) 0.946.
We need to divide 1999 by 2111. Since 1999 is smaller than 2111, we will need to add a decimal point and zeros to 1999 to continue the division.
We write 1999 as 1999.000000 (adding decimal and zeros). Now we are dividing 2111 into 1999.000000.
2111 goes into 19990 approximately 9 times (since 2111×9=18999).
Now we subtract:
Next, we bring down the next zero making it 9910.
2111 goes into 9910 approximately 4 times (since 2111×4=8444).
Now we subtract:
Next, we bring down another zero making it 14660.
2111 goes into 14660 approximately 6 times (since 2111×6=12666).
Now we subtract:
Next, we bring down another zero making it 19940.
2111 goes into 19940 approximately 9 times (since 2111×9=18999).
Now we subtract:
After performing the long division, we find that:
Thus, the answer is option (c) 0.946.
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